A3 Food - hygiene - health system
(also: A human lifespan - from its
beginning to its end)
by Martin and
altered food:
-magnesium salted almonds (p.233,
-carotine sandwich (p.158, ll.22-23)
-vitamin A paté (p.158, ll.22-23)
-sex-hormone chewing gum (p.148, l.28)
surrogate (p.158, ll.22-23)
-peanuts (p.233, ll.2-3)
-petits beurres (p.233, ll.2-3)
lessons in hygiene (p.133, l.1)
bathrooms at the Hatching Center (p.31, ll.30-34)
-blower with talcum powder (p.32, ll.24-33)
->whole body treated with talcum
-massages by “vibro-vacuum massage machines” (p.33, ll.17-20)
->makes you look like a “pink glowing pearl”
-“electrolytic shave” (pp.128-129, ll.34-1)
The author's background: England 1930
health insurance
-mainly private hospitals
-voluntary hospitals (pay as much as you can)
medical care for poor people
(National Health Service) founded in 1948
->state hospitals, pay only for medication
was discovered that vitamins cured deficiency diseases like scurvy
one imagined that vitamins had another use (free radicals)
-usually with wine: carefully pouring the wine from its bottle into a
->separating the wine from the sediment
-here: to remove the babies from the bottles they were bred in